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CDA Editor

Don't risk digitalisation paralysis


OPEN ANY issue of CDA and there is no shortage of inspiring digitalisation case studies, technology updates and thought leadership on the subject. However, the reality is that much of the UK's industrial sector – particularly SMEs – is at risk of falling behind when it comes to digitalisation.

BARA (British Automation And Robot Asscoiation)

Supporting manufacturers to increase automation ambition


Having the ambition to automate allows for growth and company development, says BARA chair, Oliver Selby

Charlotte Stonestreet

Strategy makes a wecome return


WHATEVER YOUR thoughts about the new labour government, the fact that the UK is to once again have an Industrial Strategy should come as good news to those across the sector.

BARA (British Automation And Robot Asscoiation)

Encouraging uptake


Newly appointed BARA chair, Oiver Selby, looks at the role of the association in promoting the adoption of robotics and automation in UK manufacturing

Charlotte Stonestreet

Looking beyond a temp solution


ANYONE FAMILIAR with the UK industrial sector already knows that the nation lags behind its competitors when it comes to automation.

BARA (British Automation And Robot Asscoiation)

A fond farewell


George Thompson pens his final column for CDA as BARA chair

BARA (British Automation And Robot Asscoiation)

It's a reshore thing


BARA chair, George Thompson looks at automation's role in reshoring

Charlotte Stonestreet

Industry 5.0 - coming to an industrial facility near you soon


AT THE recent Smart Manufacturing and Engineering Week event, one of the more popular buzzwords I heard being bandied around was Industry 5.0. While it might seem only a short time since Industry 4.0 was all the rage, the concept was first coined over ten years ago so it stands to reason that things are moving on.

Charlotte Stonestreet

Invest to be the best!


ANYONE FAMILIAR with the UK industrial sector will no doubt be aware of the relatively low levels of investment in the UK when compared to, for example, our European counterparts. Indeed, the finger is often pointed at under-investment when it comes to figuring out the reasons behind the UK’s perennial issue of low productivity. Add to this the growing need for sustainability – which simply cannot be achieved without investment in the latest technologies – and the need for investment has never been greater.

BARA (British Automation And Robot Asscoiation)

Line up the easy wins


BARA chair George Thomson draws on his end-of-line experience