To safeguard shore supply maintenance operations on ELECTROSTARtrains, Castell has supplied a customised trapped key interlocking system to Bombardier Transportation . The safety system is fitted to all Bombardier ELECTROSTAR trains, produced for Southern Railways, South Eastern Trains and c2c.
UK research to develop smart machines that think for themselves will receive a £16m boost thanks to a major partnership between the government and industry.
Whether it be for ongoing track maintenance, managing journey flow, monitoring batteries, or non-intrusive condition monitoring, the railway sector is full steam ahead in leveraging the latest in sensors and connectivity. Charlotte Stonestreet looks at some recent examples
The rail industry is a major user of control technologies, but recent advances are leading to a reassessment of their capabilities. As we look forward to a new era of rail transport culminating in the controversial HS project, Andy Pye looks at a number of developments happening at this very moment