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Home >EPLAN Cogineer set to revolutionise automated engineering design

EPLAN Cogineer set to revolutionise automated engineering design

05 December 2017

CAE solutions provider EPLAN has launched an innovative automation software package, which simplifies the changeover to automated working methods by enabling design engineers to generate electrical and fluid schematics at the push of a button – without the need for expert knowledge, specialist programming ability or extensive training.

Intuitive, flexible and easy to use, EPLAN Cogineer can be a central part of the design workflow, whether you take a function-based or machine-based approach. Your design method will not require any modification, it will simply become much faster.

Fully integrated into the EPLAN Platform, EPLAN Cogineer provides the support of expert knowledge from configuration onwards. A mechatronic rulebook and configuration interface can be put together intuitively and quickly, without requiring knowledge of any complex programming language.

"The 100% data continuity from one design project to the next allows users to work with EPLAN Cogineer in a very time-efficient manner," explains Ken Christie, Director at EPLAN UK. "With EPLAN Cogineer, the design process is completely independent of the people involved, which means that consistency is guaranteed. The significant benefits of EPLAN Cogineer are great time-savings through automatic schematic planning, and increased quality through effective error prevention”.

Complete electro-technical documentation can be created with EPLAN Cogineer at the push of a button. This guarantees error-free implementation of the defined rules and models and ensures the production of high quality documentation.

Another added benefit of the new software is that it allows users to create more projects in the same time, thanks to its functionality for making use of pre-engineered macros.

EPLAN Cogineer is flexible and easy to use as it offers data continuity from product structuring to final project implementation and supports compliance with standards and directives. This ensures maximum accuracy and maximum efficiency.

Subscribing to EPLAN”s "Learning by doing" motto, Cogineer is very simple to work with for occasional as well as the experienced users, making it very easy for anyone to develop projects. It does not matter whether machines and plants are already structured by functional aspects or by hierarchies of plant-specific viewpoints. The EPLAN Cogineer solution offers a scalable configuration approach in terms of selected working methodology, by mixing classical working methods and configurations — for example, with manual and configurable subprojects — in order to meet customer requirements.

For further information please visit www.eplancogineer.co.uk.