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Forum to champion automation uptake

28 February 2024

THE UK Automation Forum is a new organisation set up to galvanise the voice and champion the uptake of automation across UK manufacturing.

It brings together industry experts, end users, policy makers and technology suppliers to discuss the challenges and topics relating to the adoption of automation technology in the UK. The objective is to turn UK manufacturing into a world-leading user of robots and automation, thereby redressing the balance of the poor take-up of robotics in this country, compared to our global competitors.

Supported by several leading trade associations, including Automate UK (formerly the PPMA Group) the MTA (Manufacturing Technologies Association), Make UK and GAMBICA, its goal is to drive collaboration, highlight the benefits of automation, help break down barriers to adoption and influence opinion and decision-making.

The Forum will host live events and round table discussions to share ideas across a wide range of topics to create engaging and informative content. This will include topics such as education and bridging the skills gap while promoting careers in automation and breaking down barriers to automation for users, employees and manufacturers.

It will also gather and share opinion from end users, from blue chips to SMEs, to ensure that providers of automation equipment are meeting their needs going forward.

Influencing policy makers is another major aim of the Forum. “The aim is to use our combined voice to influence government and policy,” says Peter Williamson, CEO of Automate UK. “We will also engage with academia and funding bodies to ensure an appropriate focus is given to automation, while working with education providers to provide relevant skills for the future.”
