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New robotics strategy

07 July 2014

The Technology Strategy Board has launched a new strategy to help the UK take advantage of the huge economic and social potential of robotics and autonomous systems.

The Technology Strategy Board set up the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Special Interest Group in 2012 to bring together key partners in academia, business and government to improve understanding of the opportunities in the field.

The group has now produced a strategy to help the UK to take advantage of the huge global impact of robotics and autonomous systems – recently estimated at $1.9tr to $6.4tr by the research group McKinsey.

Robotics and autonomous systems is one of the ‘eight great technologies' identified by the UK Government as ones that could propel future economic growth in the country.

According to The Technology Strategy Board there are big opportunities in hazardous and difficult environments such as in the aerospace and nuclear industries, under the sea, in space and underground.

Robotics and autonomous systems are also at the heart of developments in such areas as driverless cars, management of farms and crops, manufacturing production lines, health, and smarter towns and cities.

David Lane, chair of the RAS-SIG steering group, said: "We believe the UK has the potential to be a world-leading nation in the race to create a new generation of smarter tools and services that we will use in our homes and workplaces.

"Moreover, we believe we understand what we have to do to create innovation from our inventions and attract talent to the UK. There are clear steps the UK can take to turn its potential in this area into significant economic growth and societal benefits."

To download a copy of the strategy click here