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Home >Gateway to the Asian automation market event

Gateway to the Asian automation market event

10 September 2013

The CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA) is hosting ‘Gateway to China’, an event to help UK companies discover and access automation business opportunities in Asia,

The event will take place on 24th on September at the Mitsubishi Electric Europe Tokyo Conference Suite in Hatfield. Free tickets to the event can be booked by visiting the CLPA’s EventBrite page: http://gateway-to-china.eventbrite.co.uk/.

Speakers at the Gateway to China event will include John Browett, general manager, CLPA; Chris Evans, manager of the Marketing and Operations Group at Mitsubishi Electric Europe; and Dr Graeme Philp, CEO of GAMBICA.

With a global installed base of almost nine million nodes, more than 1200 products from over 270 manufacturers and over 1900 partner companies, CC-Link offers a comprehensive open network architecture that reaches from enterprise IT connectivity to simple digital I/O on the shop floor.

CC-Link IE is also the only open gigabit Ethernet technology available in the automation sector, linking both controller and field devices throughout a plant.

CC-Link is the leading open automation networking technology in Japan and the rest of Asia, holding approximately 20% of the region's market share. Integrating CC-Link technology into a product can open new doors into these markets. The technology is also becoming widely accepted in both Europe and North America due to its ease of use, strong productivity features and high performance.