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Paving the way to the integrated smart factory

13 August 2020

With its the ASM Works Core Package, ASM, provides a comprehensive solution for shop floor management in a connected factory. This is supplemented by eight Upgrade Modules that improve individual processes and factory areas in accordance with user requirements.

With the software suite electronics manufacturers don’t need to worry about interfaces, compatibilities or data transfers between lines. All the suite’s tools can be started and administered from a common launch pad. ASM Works minimises the time and effort commonly required to make improvements towards the integrated smart factory. For the first time, says the company, a single modular solution suite provides a comprehensive software structure for smart SMT production.

The role of software in the planning, control and monitoring of systems, materials, processes, and personnel keeps growing steadily. To enable the machines in the increasingly complex production of electronics to talk to each other and integrate whole processes across machines and even lines, most users must still select, license, install and harmonise many different programs, protocols and tools in addition to the actual machine software. This drives up the cost of implementing and operating such systems.

With its modular ASM Works software infrastructure, ASM is finally providing a new solution that integrates all ASM line components into a single software suite. Even the ASM Works Core Package gives users everything they need to build a professional and efficient software infrastructure for managing the shop floor in a smart SMT factory.

All the suite’s components are perfectly coordinated. This makes the equipment's installation, updating and administration much easier as well as significantly more efficient. And with the Upgrade Modules, which can be installed in any order, electronics manufacturers can expand the capabilities of ASM Works in stages in accordance with their specific needs. Besides being able to start out by focusing on processes that matter most to them, they can speed up projects and minimize their implementation risks. All ASM Works modules are managed from the same launch pad, and settings like shift calendars or role and rights management are configured centrally. When ASM Works Upgrade Modules are installed, they apply these settings automatically. The exchange of data between the modules is automatic, which further minimizes integration risks and costs.

Instant connectivity

“We have invested in building a comprehensive software portfolio from the start and always paid special attention to process integration and optimization. Thanks to new software technologies, we are now able to offer with ASM Works an integrated solution for all types and sizes of electronics production,” explains Alexander Hagenfeldt, Head of Technical Solutions Marketing. “The integrated smart factory demands a smoothly functioning and consistently compatible software infrastructure, and ASM Works delivers this. Our experts have not only made the proven ASM software solutions better, but given them a common foundation that’s state-of-the-art. And with our AMS Works Upgrade Modules, electronics manufacturers can further improve the processes that are most important to them at any time by installing an additional software package that instantly integrates itself into the existing hardware and software infrastructure,” adds Hagenfeldt.

ASM Works Core Package

The ASM Works Core Package supplies the basic software infrastructure for smart SMT production. The machines exchange data with each other instantly and seamlessly. The ASM Works Core Package includes the ASM OIB integration platform, SIPLACE Pro including Alternative Components and the Vision Teach Suite, ASM Setup Center including the MSD Option, ASM Order Manager Basic, ASM Line Monitor, ASM Printer Programming, and ASM Remote Smart Factory.

Individual path to the integrated smart factory

With the right Upgrade Modules, electronics manufacturers have access to additional powerful tools that allow them to integrate and improve processes on the line level as well as on the factory or even corporate level. Each newly installed tool brings the customer one step closer to the integrated smart factory.

ASM Works Upgrade Modules

  • ASM Production Planner
  • Plans using order due dates while taking into account current line status information as well as setup changeover and maintenance times.
  • ASM Material Manager
  • The comprehensive software solutions for SMT-specific material management.
  • ASM Material Setup Assistant
  • Smart, software-based setups and tear-downs with a wide range of setup strategies.
  • ASM Command Center
  • Organizes operators flexibly in smart operator pools and enables remote assists via a central console.
  • ASM ProcessExpert
  • Automates processes fully or partly via a self-learning expert system designed for the specific needs of electronics production.
  • ASM Performance Monitor
  • Real-time transparency for the smart SMT factory.
  • ASM Traceability
  • Seamless tracking and tracing for the most demanding requirements.
  • ASM Factory Integration Package
  • MES interface with interlocking and predictive maintenance functions.

For more information about the DEK TQ, visit https://www.asm-smt.com/en/products/software-solutions/asm-works/https://www.asm-smt.com/en/products/software-solutions/asm-works/