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High power supply for multi-axis drive systems

10 May 2022

STOBER has announced the launch of its new PS6A44 high power supply for drive controllers in multi-axis drive systems. Developed to meet the need for an increasing number of axes and very high power in applications such as metal and wood working machine tools, just one PS6A44 power unit can be used to supply multiple drive controllers.

As a result,  designers and engineers can now supply multiple axes with more power just using one high powered module, giving an extremely compact solution for extra dynamic applications, which saves space in the control cabinet, reduces cabling effort and makes installation and commissioning faster.

The nominal current is 95A and the power on the axes is 50kW. For processes with a high starting torque and dynamic ramps, a 150% overload is available for five seconds or 120% for 30 seconds.

This addition to the PS6 range connects and powers the multi-axis drive system and eliminates the need for parallel connection of multiple supply modules.

Integrating the PS6 and the SI6 into the drive system

At a slim 45mm, the SI6 drive controller from STOBER’s new Generation 6 is a highly dynamic drive controller that works inconspicuously and reliably in the background, even during demanding movements.

STO (Safe Torque Off) and SS1 (Safe Stop 1) functions are integrated, being certified for PL e, cat. 4 in accordance with EN 13849-1. They can be used without function tests that interrupt production.

A single drive controller can control up to two axes. By linking several controllers, the number of axes can be scaled as needed. The individual devices are fast and easy to connect, both together and to the PS6 central supply module, using Quick DC-Link modules. As a single or double-axis controller, the SI6 is available with a nominal output current up to 50 A. This highly dynamic drive series achieves short settling times with fast set value changes and load jumps.

One cable connection up to 100m

Using the SI6 drive controller in combination with the new PS6 High Power supply, EZ type synchronous servo motors can be actuated,

For example, the new One Cable Solution (OCS) reliably connects the motor and controller up to a length of 100 meters. As a result, only a single hybrid cable is needed for the simultaneous transmission of the electricity and encoder data, something that usually requires two cables.

STOBER developed this new hybrid cable together with HEIDENHAIN using the new, future-proof HEIDENHAIN EnDat® 3 protocol in the encoder interface. It is optimised specifically for highly dynamic cases in drag chains and is suited for applications in which there is very little space.

Consequently, the PS6 High Power unit, the SI6 Controller, and the One Cable Solution give the end-user a fully integrated, highly dynamic and reliable drive system.
