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Home>DRIVES & MOTORS>Brushless Motors>Housed & frameless brushless direct drive torque motors

Housed & frameless brushless direct drive torque motors

31 August 2018

Allied Motion Technologies will exhibit its latest product innovations, including Megaflux housed and frameless brushless direct drive torque motors at SPS IPC Drives.

Allied recently announced the availability of its brushless direct drive torque motors packaged as complete housed units that include an in-built electronic servo drive and high resolution optical encoder. The Megaflux direct drive brushless torque motor family offers frameless models with continuous torque output from 0.3Nm up to 1875Nm, while the housed models are available in three frame sizes with continuous torque output up to 8.5Nm.

Brushless torque motors are designed to produce high torque values compared to standard brushless motors. They have higher pole-counts, much thinner axial dimensions, larger diameters than typical motors, and are designed to run at low-to-moderate speed. Being frameless, Megaflux kit motors (consisting of a matched rotor and stator pair) are ideally suited for OEM designs where they can be integrated directly into the driven axis.

The Megaflux housed motors are complete servo actuators that require only fitting to the driven axis and cable connections to be fully operational. A large open-center aperture is a feature of both types of motor and provides free passage to route cables, light beams or other machine mechanics.

The flexibility of the two versions and large number of available frame and stack sizes ensures that standard Megaflux models will meet virtually any OEM application need. However, Allied Motion specialises in providing customised versions for the few cases not covered by standard models. Hall 1 Booth 241