08 June 2015
Reflecting its leadership for electronic integrated systems and flexibility and resources to support any size and type of enterprise, Curtis Instruments has recently completed a project with a charity that wished to convert a 1938 Iron Narrow Boat with an environmentally friendly electric drive.
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07 November 2013
The Marathon Blue Max range of induction motors, available from Regal, are designed for use with inverters or variable speed drives and can provide full torque at zero speed.
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07 November 2013
WEG and its subsidiary Watt Drive have further developed the modular EUSAS (Europe, USA and Asia) motor, which can be used globally for a wide variety of applications either as standard or integral motor for gearboxes.
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29 May 2013
NORD Drivesystems has introduced new smooth-surface motors for high-hygiene applications.
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29 October 2012
Portable electronic test and measurement technology expert, Fluke, has published its new 140-page fullcolour 2012/2013 Test Tools Catalogue,
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