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USDA certification for drum motor

06 August 2014

Interroll’s Asynchronous Drum Motor (models 113i,138i, 165i and 217i) has gained approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for compliance with the guidelines for sanitary design and fabrication of dairy processing equipment.

The certification is based on equipment review and an examination of engineering drawings, with the participation of design engineers. The adoption of certain hygienic standards at dairy plants helps the operators to manufacture safer dairy products. Only dairy products manufactured, processed and packaged in a USDA approved plant may be graded or inspected and identified with official USDA identification.

Interroll has created the most hygienic conveyor drive available on the market to ensure that food manufacturers are in compliance with strict food safety and material handling regulations.

Typically, conventional gear motors are bulky, difficult to install and most importantly, non-hygienic and virtually impossible to be spotlessly cleaned. In contrast, the Interroll Drum Motor is compact, easy to install and can be cleaned and disinfected regularly using high pressure water, steam and chemicals. This helps dairy and food product manufacturers achieve the highest possible hygiene standards and provides for the lowest possible levels of Salmonella, Listeria, E. coli and other harmful microorganisms in the production environment.