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Igus®' Lubrication - and Maintenance-Free Products and Systems Reduce Costs and Improve Technology in Automation

26 January 2015

The use of igus®’ polymer components on all moving parts improves machine performance. Their homogenous dry running self lubricating properties prevent the build up of dirt and debris sticking to the moving parts, which in turn can lead to breakdowns and unscheduled maintenance. igus® plastic materials are wear, corrosion and chemical resistant, the product range is so extensive that whatever the requirement of your moving application igus has the solution.

iglidur® polymer plain bearings are low cost, versatile and suitable for any industry whether automotive mass production, offshore or food and packaging, they can be used in areas with extreme temperatures and are resistant to water and chemicals. An increasing number of industries are switching from traditional metal rolled bearings to plastic bearings; clean, grease-free and lightweight capabilities increase design possibilities and reduce costs, yet, at the same time increase the service life of your machine. Customised parts can also be achieved with iglidur® bar stock materials.

The drylin® range is specifically developed for linear applications, with the extensive product range suited for all application areas, from the drylin® W modular system through to drylin® E motor driven linear axis. The stroke length in all systems is freely selectable and driven either by a trapezoidal thread, high helix thread or toothed belt, providing systems that are easy to obtain, install and maintain.

igus’® expertise in the field of automation has extended to the development of cable management for robotic applications. triflex® R, winner of the IF design award, , is the third generation multi--axis energy chain® especially developed for the sophisticated 6-axis robotic applications in harsh industrial environments. More than 100 components make up the triflex® R product range, so any requirement can be covered from large welding robots down to small palletising robots. In addition, a full range of twistable CFrobot cables have been developed which are tested for 3 million cycles +/- 180deg rotation over 1m. Twistable bus, control, power, servo and even fibre optic cables are available, from stock.

To find out more about our plain bearings, linear drive,energy chain and flexible cable products, please visit our homepage where your products of interest can be easily selected and more information found: www.igus.co.uk