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Linear chain for a grand design

14 July 2014

Push-pull actuation of heavy loads using the Linear Chain Actuator from R. A. Rodriguez is gaining wide application appeal, including a recent project on the television programme, Grand Designs.

A key feature of the contemporary house was a stunning, sliding glass door measuring 2.1m x 6m, supplied by architectural glazing specialist, Cantifix. Whilst a cable mechanism is a common choice for concealed door actuation it was not suitable in this case, where a standard cable would not meet the stroke length and a longer one would take up too much space. Linear Chain from R. A. Rodriguez provided the ideal alternative.

A special profile with interlocking fingers allows the Linear Chain to become a rigid thrust device for pushing the glass door along its track. The chain rolls up into a compact magazine and is therefore perfectly suited to this application whose stroke length is the full 6m of the door way. Linear Chain also provides a constant stroke speed of 50mm/sec allowing the door to be opened or closed in two minutes.